A child from a low-income family suffers from Crohn's disease in the intestine and needs urgent s
out of 5771 have been collected 371500
A widow and mother of orphans suffering from kidney failure, in need of weekly blood dialysis ses
out of 4600 have been collected 42200
Hassan, 50 years old, suffers from
cataracts that have caused his vision to be
out of 0 have been collected 10500
An infant is in critical health condition and is currently in intensive care. His condition is un
out of 2270 have been collected 18500
A wife and mother of three children from a limited-income family, she suffers from a deviated nas
out of 1980 have been collected 38500
A young man suffers from type 1 diabetes and needs a monthly insulin pump.
The amount require
out of 7100 have been collected 126500
Umm Fahd is a cancer patient who needs your support to cover the costs of chemotherapy amounting
out of 3000 have been collected 22000
A family man suffers from erosion of the cartilage in his knees, causing him severe pain and diff
out of 3106 have been collected 48500
A woman suffering from cancer is in desperate need of help to be able to save the costs of chemot
out of 6580 have been collected 300000
A young man suffers from an amputation above the left knee and needs to be fitted with an artific
out of 5388 have been collected 64500
A widow works as a seamstress to support her young orphans while they are studying. She faces dif
out of 3930 have been collected 29000
A single elderly woman suffers from the pain of a malignant breast tumor, and urgently needs to s
out of 2874 have been collected 90000
A middle-aged woman, suffering from lupus erythematosus, needs monthly treatment for 6 months wor
out of 4096 have been collected 90000
Abu Sara is a father of eight children, burdened by debts after losing his business. Today, he fa
out of 2930 have been collected 277000
An elderly person suffering from kidney failure, suffering from a critical health condition, need
out of 3830 have been collected 34000
A widow supporting orphans, including a child of determination, relies on an unstable income from
out of 2630 have been collected 12360
The head of a family suffers from chronic kidney failure and needs periodic dialysis sessions wor
out of 3918 have been collected 32500
An elderly woman suffers from severe pain as a result of a malignant breast tumor and urgently ne
out of 7589 have been collected 296500
A brother of yours who is in poor condition, has lost his means and is burdened by the worries of
out of 4170 have been collected 44500
A poor widow, she spent her life working to provide a decent life for her children, but life’s tr
out of 740 have been collected 298500
A poor father is struggling to support his young children with an income that barely covers their
out of 730 have been collected 17500
A child from a low-income family, suffering from a malignant tumor (leukemia) and urgently needs
out of 4485 have been collected 867000
A woman suffers from atrophy in the upper jaw, causing problems with the structure of her teeth,
out of 2750 have been collected 63500
A leukemia patient suffers from severe pain after his condition deteriorates, and needs necessary
out of 1350 have been collected 300000
An elderly man with a limited income who supports his family, suffering from cancer and atheroscl
out of 1840 have been collected 61200
A woman with brain cancer, urgently needs tests and treatment at costs that the family cannot aff
out of 2150 have been collected 118600
A family is facing the risk of eviction from their home after an eviction notice was issued due t
out of 9237 have been collected 49500
Roza, 27 years old, suffers from retinal
issues due to diabetes.
out of 0 have been collected 31000
A woman fighting cancer is in urgent need of monthly medications, the cost of which exceeds her f
out of 540 have been collected 168600
An elderly man is battling cancer under difficult circumstances, with no job or source of income.
out of 390 have been collected 40000
An elderly man is battling laryngeal cancer and urgently needs an electronic larynx to regain his
out of 4580 have been collected 9500
Soheer, 53 years old, suffers from diabetes, which has significantly affected her vision due to d
out of 0 have been collected 31000
A child born with a cleft in the upper lip and roof of the mouth, with problems with tooth growth
out of 2870 have been collected 16945
Your brother Abu Ahmed suffers from deteriorating health due to cancer, and is going through a di
out of 3850 have been collected 215000
iKhair facilitates payment methods through several different means such as SMS, credit card, and collected order
A reminder to donate and the ability to control the alarm and repeat the alarm on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as you wish
Create a campaign about a deceased loved one to give him the reward of ongoing charity, so that it becomes a light that illuminates his path through iKhair application with ease
ounded 1990 in Ajman. Its mission is to provide assistance to community members and to qua...
ProjectsThe Emirates Charity Association, established by Amiri Decree No. 15 of 2021 and chaired b...
ProjectsVision A wمؤسسة نور دبي كمؤسسة دولية غير ربحية في مكافحة العمىorld free from preventable b...
ProjectsOperation Smile was founded in 1982 by Dr. William P. Magee Jr., a plastic surgeon, and hi...
ProjectsThe Saqr Bin Mohammad Al Qasimi Foundation for Charitable and Humanitarian Works was estab...
ProjectsVision: Achieving sustainability in charitable work for the elderly and fostering a cultur...
ProjectsThe Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation includes a range of human...
ProjectsThe center was launched in 2016 as an endowment advisory institution supporting Dubai’s gl...
ProjectsAbout Ameera Fصندوق أميرة هو مبادرة تهدف إلى تعزيز رعاية مرضى السرطان على مستوى عالمي، بال...
ProjectsOverview The Pink Caravan is an Emirati initiative under the “Kashf” umbrella of the Frien...
ProjectsBearing in mind that HAI is a humanitarian charitable worldwide non-governmental organizat...
ProjectsAl Jalila Foundation, a global philanthropic organisation dedicated to transforming lives ...
ProjectsThe Awqaf and Minors Affairs Foundation Dealing with more than 2,400 minors through the de...
ProjectsThe Big Heart Foundation (TBHF), a philanthropic foundation officially established in May ...
ProjectsIn 1989, a group of businessmen in Dubai launched a humanitarian initiative aimed at estab...
ProjectsAwqaf in Sharjah aims to work to consolidate the Waqf year within the local community...
ProjectsFujairah Charity Association, a public organization established on 26/4/1987 in the Emirat...
ProjectsDubai Charity Association is responsible for a wide range of charitable and humanitarian s...
ProjectsEmirati institution dedicated to the wishes of children aged 3-18 years old and suffering ...
ProjectsThe Association aims to extend a helping hand and assist in carrying out charity, public w...
Projectsindependent non-governmental organization providing rehabilitation, training and education...
ProjectsFriends of Cancer Patients Society (FoCP) is a licensed charity proudly operates under the...
Projectsan independent governmental institution dealing with orphans in the Emirate of Sharjah. It...
ProjectsRahma is a non-profit charitable organization that serves the UAE community by providing f...
ProjectsDonations go directly to the charity's account immediately without any deductions
A special section for urgent medical cases separated from the rest of the projects
Only licensed charitable organizations are allowed to join the application
The application can remind you whenever you want to donate to the selected projects
SMS, credit cards and bank account
Create a donation campaign to be an ongoing charity for the deceased in simple steps
A beautiful application that brings together all charities in one place and is easy to use
App User
Very excellent and easy application, may God reward you all the best
App User
May God reward you with all the best and put it in the balance of your good deeds. We hope for an application with which we can choose the country to which we want to donate, and may God reward you with all the best.
App user
Well done application more than wonderful
App user
The application is more than wonderful, you can add your favorite donations so that you can reach them easily, it provides almost all kinds of donations from the right to water and helping patients. God puts it in the balance of their good deeds
App user
يُعد شهر رمضان المبارك من أعظم مواسم الطاعة، فهو فرصة ذهبية للتقرب من الله عز وجل، حيث تفتح أبواب الرحمة، وتضاعف الحسنات، وتغلق أبواب النار، وتسلسل الشياطين. ولأن الغاية من الصيام ليست الامتناع عن الطعام والشراب فقط، بل تهذيب النفس وتقوية الصلة بالله، فإنه ينبغي على المسلم اغتنام هذا الشهر بالطاعات والأعمال الصالحة التي تقربه […]
اعرف اكثرمع حلول شهر رمضان المبارك، وانطلاقًا من قيم العطاء والتكافل الاجتماعي، شرعت جمعية الإحسان الخيرية في توزيع الطرود الغذائية على عشرات الأسر المتعففة، ضمن مبادرة “المير الرمضاني”، وذلك في مقر الجمعية، بحضور عدد من المتطوعين والموظفين الذين ساهموا في تسهيل عملية التوزيع بشكل منظم وانسيابي. دعم الأسر المتعففة وتعزيز التكافل الاجتماعي تأتي مبادرة “المير الرمضاني” […]
اعرف اكثرمقدمة رمضان هو الشهر التاسع في التقويم الهجري، ويعد من أعظم الشهور عند المسلمين، حيث أنزل فيه القرآن الكريم. يتميز هذا الشهر بالصيام والعبادة والتقرب إلى الله. أهمية رمضان شهر رمضان هو شهر الرحمة والمغفرة، وهو فرصة للمسلمين لتنقية أنفسهم والالتزام بأعمال الخير. كما أنه يجسد قيم التكافل الاجتماعي والمساعدة للمحتاجين. الصيام وأحكامه الصيام هو […]
اعرف اكثر